
If you would like to look inside the Almshouses, tours are normally held twice a year and can be booked in advance. They last for about an hour and a half and include the services of a knowledgeable guide. Refreshments may be provided afterwards in the Residents Lounge at no cost.

To book a place on a tour, please contact Lynda Burton on 07707 093335, or see under our Contact PageTour Enquiry.

There are no up-coming events

Registered Charity Numbers

Nicholas Chamberlaine’s Hospital and Sermon Charity (216930)
Nicholas Chamberlaine’s School Foundation (528672)

The Hospital and Sermon Charity is a member of the Almshouse Association and is able to provide Data Protection and Safeguarding Policies on request. The School Foundation is also subject to Data Protection and can also provide Policies on request.

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